Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Dedication and foreword

For Joan
and for
Daniel, Justin, Cathy and David
Jerome, Hamish, Reggie, Hilary and Mackenzie

When Spike Milligan's friend asked if he wrote forewords, he gleefully pressed a homophone into service and wrote:


But this book is free.

I began writing it on Friday, 17th August, 2012, sixty days before my sixtieth birthday.
I've enjoyed the time spent remembering so many joys, times of fun and odd things that stick in my mind.
The greatest joy has been getting to know Jesus, my Lord and Saviour and Friend.
God's great kindness in bringing Joan and me together (and I say Joan and me deliberately) has resulted in so much love and happiness and fun and in our being favoured with nine descendants to share the joys with.
Aren't I the lucky one?

table of contents


Anonymous said...

Hello David
I am amazed at how much you can remember, especially names of your childhood teachers. I too went to Belmont infants, primary and high and was in the same class as many of the people in your photos. I have no photos of my time in high school, so it was just wonderful finding yours. Such a walk down memory lane! I even went to Belmont Baptist Church myself for a short while - with my best friend Jan Gilkison - but only because she wanted me to. I posted some of my school photos here: You could probably put more names to face than I can. I think Jan is a teacher at Taro public school now - 2ns from right in bottom row: Anyway, I just wanted to say thanks for posting. I had a lovely time reading about Belmont.
best wishes

David McKay said...

Hi Marion. Lovely to hear from you.
I had intended to finish my book, but got stuck. Partly due to trying to sell our house at the same time!

Terrific to see your old photos. Aren't there a lot of children in each class!

I remembered some faces, but got help with others from fellow classmates on facebook.

Unknown said...

Very nice blog, enjoy more after completing the book writing.