Monday, September 20, 2004

Is there a perfect plan of God for my life which I must discover?

1.God has a plan for you, but he hasn’t promised to tell you the specifics beforehand! Jesus himself said there were things he didn’t know about God’s plans.
2. Most people throughout the world have not had the luxury of choosing their occupation, where they would live, who they would marry, etc. If God intends us to discover in advance what he is doing, we are certainly a privileged few!
3. This view leads to unhappiness, because it implies that we must daily discover God’s design and that if we don’t we will end up with Plan B.
4. There are times when we can consciously cooperate with God, but many times when this is not possible.
5. This view does not take into account God’s sovereignty over all of his creation and over all people, whether they want to follow him or not.
6. It does not recognise that God uses my failures as well as my successes.
7. This view assumes that God has designed only happiness and not hardship as well. But God uses pain as well as pleasure, as he transforms us and makes us holy.
8. It only accounts for the big things, and not the little things.
9. It fails to recognise that there are many things we can’t plan for.
10. It ignores the fact that God says that we don’t see things as he does. It assumes that we know what are the important things.

Sunday, September 12, 2004

Thoughts on God's Guidance

How does God guide people? Does he speak to people today?

Here are some verses from the bible about God guiding:
God promises to guide those who love him
Romans 8:28
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
Proverbs 3: 5-6
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. Acknowledge him in all your ways, and he will make your paths straight.
Isaiah 58:6-14
… Let the oppressed go free ... share your bread with the hungry … bring the homeless poor into your house …Then you shall call, and the Lord will answer … (he) will guide you continually.

What must I do to know that God is guiding?
1.God’s sovereignty over his creation works for the good of those who put their trust in him.
But it works against those who refuse to follow in his ways.
2. In all we do, we must seek to be guided by God. But mostly his guidance will be behind the scenes.
3. When we have choices to make, we must obey his clear instructions, or seek wisdom in making non-moral choices.
4. We do not need to make fleeces or look for signs to be in step with God's will.
5. When I make a choice selfishly or foolishly, I may have to face the consequences. But God is still in control of my life! There is no Plan B [or Plan Z]